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CargoWise functions

ZEDI has built-in support for eAdaptor as a means of exchanging transactions with CargoWise systems.

eAdaptor is the primary means by which CargoWise imports and exports transactions securely and automatically. Having it as part of ZEDI makes it possible for CargoWise to exchange any type of transaction with your trading partners, without needing to implement any external software.

ZEDI can also be used as an eAdaptor gateway, allowing CargoWise to exchange transactions between any number of internal and external eAdaptors.

Expand the headings below to find out more.

Outbound transactions
Inbound transactions
eAdaptor Gateway
Outbound transactions

By configuring CargoWise to export transactions directly to the eAdaptor interface in ZEDI, the transactions will be exported as “UniversalInterchange” XML files. ZEDI can then map these into whatever format is required by the intended recipients before delivering them.

ZEDI can also be used as a eAdaptor gateway to allow transactions to be securely sent to any number of external eAdaptor servers used by your customers, suppliers and business systems (see below).

Inbound transactions

ZEDI can receive incoming transactions via various methods including FTP, SFTP, AS2 etc. These are then mapped to produce UniversalInterchange XML files that can be delivered directly into CargoWise in near real-time.

This eliminates the need to re-key vast amounts of data into CargoWise which in turn reduces costs and improves the quality of service you provide to your customers.

ZEDI’s inherrant flexibility means that it can do this with any machine-readable file. For example, EDI, XML, CSV, fixed position and even Excel spreadsheets, so using ZEDI with CargoWise will reduce costs, eliminate errors and build stronger relationships with your customers and suppliers.

ZEDI can also be used as an eAdaptor gateway to allow any number of external eAdaptors to securely submit transactions (see below).

eAdaptor Gateway

Using ZEDI as an eAdaptor gateway allows your CargoWise system to securely exchange inbound and outbound transactions with any number of external eAdaptors.

Normally CargoWise can send transactions to a single external eAdaptor, but the eAdaptor gateway allows it to send transactions to any number of external eAdaptors.

The gateway also allows external eAdaptors to logon using separate user IDs and passwords, which improves the security of your eAdaptor interface.


Listed below are a number of videos that describe how CargoWise and eAdapter functions are supported by ZEDI.

  • Exchanging transactions with CargoWise eAdaptor - Part 1

    Describes how to setup ZEDI so that it can receive outbound transactions from your CargoWise system, and submit inbound transactions to CargoWise for processing.

    For a transcript of the video, please click here.

  • Exchanging transactions with CargoWise eAdaptor - Part 2

    Describes how to use metadata extracts to simplify the processing of outbound transactions received via eAdaptor from your CargoWise system.

    For a transcript of this video, please click here.

  • Using ZEDI as an eAdaptor gateway

    Describes how ZEDI can be used to exchange both inbound and outbound transactions with any number of external eAdaptors.

    For a transcript of this video, please click here.

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